Monday, March 15, 2010

Successor >>> to leader

Successor >>> to leader

“Tiger woods’ deserved to enjoy the temptation that came with his fabulous success”

Every Human being achieves some success in his life in those successes some are big some are small some successes are more popularized in the society. After that success their psychological behavior & life style took some changes. The successor has to have control on these changes if not the change will kill the success.

The same topic was discussed in “Bhagavad-Gita”

Human should have control on his Psychological behavior, who control himself in Happiness, fear, love, belongingness, hate, frustration, stress & success that human called as a “RISHI”.

In all Psychological Behaviors the success was a very dangerous, Bad & poisonous. Who controls that feel he will be called as RISHI and he will be promoted as a leader.

When a person achieves the success at that point of time he is going to face a typical test that you should not get tempted to use that success for personal feels and means. These personal feels and means always having a great attraction power with them so you have to carry a strong will power with you to not to get attracted towards these temptations. Ones you attracted your personality and your success can’t live with you they lose the shining and your success troughs you into deep darkness.

So this is the exact point where a Leader takes birth form a successor.

Without psychological stability success won’t stay with you for a long time, its few mint dream to you.

With Psychological stability the common person can became a great Leader.

Every Human being achieves some success in his life in those some can only achieves biggest and great successes in those little bit of human can only reach the Leadership Position.

These types of leaders are needed to the present society.

I am working on that what about you????????????????????????????

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